Get more from your gas detector
with unmatched performance and
The IntelliDoX system combines smart docking modules and Fleet
Manager II software to provide automated instrument management for
compatibledetectors, helping you drive productivity, reliability and efficiency.
Fast instrument management and enhanced
IntelliDoX is easy to install, taking under two minutes from setup of a five
module dock to the bump of your first instrument. Each module has its own
operating system, LCD screen and internal pump allowing you to perform
more than one operation at the same time. Whether you want to bump three
devices or calibrate others - you can get more done in less time.
Flexible configuration to meet changing needs
Configure the low and high alarm set points — plus other detector
parameters — throughout the lifespan of the detector. So you can rely on
your detector to always work the way you want it to.
Efficient networking and data transfer for easy
Use either USB or Ethernet to transfer bump tests, peak exposures and
other gas-detection data.
- A new level of customization for maintenance-free devices
- Configure alarm set points, track compliance of workers and more
- Flexible docks and software — expandable to five modules
- Quick and easy setup — great for turnarounds
Compatible Detectors
- BW Clip Series
- ConneX1
- GasAlertMicroClip Series
IntelliDoX Features:
- Bump testing, calibration, configuration, and record-keeping support for compatible detectors. User updatable settings:
- Configure Alarm Settings
- Display Gas Reading During Alarm
- Enable Non-compliance Indicator
- Hibernate Detector
- Schedule Bump Test and Calibration Reminders
- Transfer Event Logs
- Time Display Preferences
- Update Firmware
- Industry-leading FastBump test that eliminates bottlenecks, while avoiding costly purge cycles that waste gas
- Gangable up to five modules, each with its own LCD screen and keypad for independent operation
- Easy to set up with no tools required
- Easy to connect via Ethernet to a network
- USB port to easily configure dock module settings or retrieve data without network access
- Automated bump test and span calibration operation